The Puppyton Origin Story

Artwork by Fette

Ballert und seid lieb.
And then there were two. Founded in 2019 as an open signal group for ambitious cyclists by two friends, the small meeting spot has since become a staple in the Viennese road bike scene. Within a few weeks, word of our “new something” got around, and more and more riders came to the rides. When the pandemic brought everything except outdoor sports to a standstill and the community had a lot of time to cycle, the number of participants literally exploded! The small Signal group became a real institution. And despite the rapid growth of new riders and formats as well as the founding of the club, Puppyton has remained true to its two basic principles: go fast. be kind.

Seid lieb.
Puppyton is the community for everyone who loves road cycling and takes the sport seriously – but not so much themselves. Elitism and oversized egos have always been unappreciated here. We really respect those who get involved in the community, take responsibility during the rides and want to cycle together in the first place.

Because our rides were getting bigger and bigger, we quickly realized that we needed reliable ride captains who would make sure that the rules and pace were adhered to. This necessity first gave rise to the idea of founding an official club and attracting committed members who contribute to the organization of the Puppyton Ride with their ideas. At first, we were unsure whether there would be enough interest – but our expectations were far exceeded. The official founding of the association brought together a dedicated group of great people and talented road cyclists who have since not only supported the coordination of the rides, but also invested a lot of time and creative ideas in the further development of Puppyton. It was those motivated first members that created Saturday Rides, a Neutral Zone for beginners, Zwift Rides during deep winters and workshops. They hosted events like our Alpine Escape and designed merch and jersey for us.

But the Puppyton Ride is not Sunday league either. "Ballern" is an integral part of the program. It simply is a lot of fun to push each other to the limit together. Hanging on the bars with your pulse at the stop and doing everything you can not to lose the front wheel is simply part of every good Wednesday evening. To keep it from escalating too much and to do justice to the diverse community, we offered three pace groups early on – Peloton, Chasing Group and Lead Out. So, you can decide how much sleep you need afterwards.